👋🏼 Hi, I'm


~Late-diagnosed #actuallyautistic Artist~

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Even though I started producing my own songs about 5 years ago; music has always been therapy. My vibe is influenced by my life experiences as a classical dancer & as a late-diagnosed autistic female. Since my diagnosis; I've been using my closet home recording studio to connect with similar audiences. And for me, being a musician isn't just about being vocal or expressing a sound ~it's about listening too.

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Even though I started walking for high-end fashion companies about 15 years ago; the stage has always been home. It's the one place where I have an excuse to be "weird", where I have an excuse to be me. On the daily, you can usually find me dressed in comfy-chic clothing with little to no makeup on. And for me, being a model isn't just about being pretty or representing a brand ~it's about transparency too.

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fashion shot
little me


Even though I started prioritizing my own mental health about 2 years ago; better late than never is what I say! Whew...being autistic & not knowing was a huge nightmare. Now, I can fight for the little me who was forced to hide. Now, I have the right tools to be successful in life. And for me, being an advocated isn't just about standing up for what's right or being brave ~it's about education too.

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